
BEST 3 Prayers to be more GENEROUS This Fall!

BEST 3 Prayers to be more GENEROUS This Fall!

by M. Karshna

Here are 3 really, really important prayers. We've been focusing a lot on generosity recently, and the importance of generosity in our lives and in the lives of others. We want to share these 3 prayers with you in light of this beautiful time we have spent thus far discussing generosity. Start your fall on a path that makes the world around you better!

BEST 3 Prayers to be more GENEROUS This Fall!


Dear Heavenly Father,

As I bow my head in prayer today, I come before You with a humble heart, seeking Your guidance and wisdom, just as Your Word in Matthew 7:7-14 instructs us. You have told us, Lord, to ask, seek, and knock, and I come before You now, asking for the grace to become a more generous person.

Your teachings, dear Jesus, are a beacon of light in our lives. You said, "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you." These words remind us of Your boundless generosity. You, who are the embodiment of love and compassion, invite us to come to You with our needs and desires.

Lord, I ask You to open my heart to the spirit of generosity. Help me to see the needs of those around me and to respond with a willing heart. Teach me to give not just from my abundance but also from my need, just as the widow gave her two small coins in the temple.

As I meditate on Matthew 7:7-14, I realize that You are the way, the truth, and the life. In seeking to be a more generous person, I must first seek You wholeheartedly. Grant me the wisdom to seek You in prayer, to seek Your guidance, and to seek Your presence in every aspect of my life.

You have assured us that if we seek, we will find. I seek Your presence in my life, Lord, and I pray that You will reveal Yourself to me in new and profound ways. Help me to understand the true meaning of generosity, which is rooted in love and selflessness.

I also come before You as a humble petitioner, knocking on the door of Your mercy. Open the door of my heart, Lord, and help me to receive Your grace, which empowers me to be more generous. Remove any barriers or selfishness that may hinder me from giving freely to others.

Lord Jesus, Your words remind us that the path to eternal life is narrow and that few find it. Help me to walk this narrow path of generosity, knowing that it leads to a life of abundance in Your presence. May my acts of generosity be a reflection of Your love and grace in my life.

I pray, Lord, that You would bless me with a generous spirit, one that is not focused on receiving, but on giving. Help me to be a cheerful giver, just as You love a cheerful giver. May my generosity be a source of encouragement and inspiration to others, as we strive to live according to Your teachings.

In conclusion, dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for the gift of Your Word, which guides and instructs us. I thank You for the example of Your Son, Jesus Christ, who showed us the true meaning of generosity through His sacrificial love. May I, too, reflect that love in my actions and attitudes towards others.

I offer this prayer in the name of Your precious Son, Jesus Christ, who taught us to pray, saying, "Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen."

In Your loving and generous name, I pray.



Dear Heavenly Father,

As I come before Your majestic presence, I am humbled by Your boundless love and generosity. You are the ultimate example of selflessness, giving us Your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to save us from our sins. Lord, I seek Your guidance and grace to become a more generous person, just as You have been generous with Your blessings in my life.

Lord Jesus, Your life on Earth was a shining testament to generosity. You healed the sick, fed the hungry, and welcomed the outcasts. You gave without expectation of return, and Your love knew no bounds. Help me, Lord, to emulate Your example, to reach out to those in need, and to make their lives better through acts of kindness and compassion.

Grant me, dear Lord, a heart filled with empathy. Open my eyes to the struggles and suffering of others, so that I may be moved to action. Let me see the opportunities to make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate, and give me the courage to act upon them. Help me to be attentive to the needs of my neighbors, my friends, and even strangers I encounter along the way.

Lord, I pray for the wisdom to use the resources You have entrusted to me wisely and generously. Show me that true wealth is not measured by possessions, but by the impact we have on others. Help me to prioritize giving over receiving and to understand that in giving, I receive the greatest blessings of all – Your love and the joy of making a difference in the lives of others.

Teach me to give with a cheerful heart, just as You love a cheerful giver. Let my generosity be genuine and not driven by recognition or self-interest. May my actions be motivated solely by a desire to reflect Your love in this world.

Lord, I understand that generosity is not just about material wealth but extends to the giving of time, love, and compassion. Give me the strength to be patient and understanding with those around me, offering a listening ear, a helping hand, and a caring heart whenever it is needed.

Help me to be a beacon of Your love, a source of hope and encouragement to those who are struggling. Let me be a vessel through which Your love flows, touching lives and making this world a better place.

Lord Jesus, I place my desire to be a more generous person in Your loving hands. Guide me on this journey of selflessness, and may Your Holy Spirit empower me to become the person You created me to be.

In Your holy name, Jesus Christ, I pray.



Dear Heavenly Father,

I come before You today with a humble heart, seeking Your divine guidance and grace. Lord Jesus, I pray that You help me become a more generous person, not only for my own spiritual growth but also to bring blessings to my family, community, and friends.

You, Jesus, are the ultimate example of generosity. Your sacrifice on the cross for our sins is the greatest act of love and selflessness the world has ever known. You gave Your life so that we may have eternal life, and for that, we are eternally grateful.

I ask for Your guidance, Lord, in understanding what true generosity means. It's not just about giving material possessions; it's about giving from the depths of our hearts. Help me to cultivate a spirit of generosity that is born out of love, compassion, and a desire to serve others.

I pray for my family, Lord. May they see Your light shining through me as I strive to be a more generous person. Let my actions inspire them to be generous as well, creating a home filled with love and kindness.

In my community, Jesus, help me to be a beacon of hope and generosity. Teach me to be aware of the needs of those around me and to extend a helping hand whenever possible. Through my actions, may I contribute to the betterment of our community, fostering a sense of unity and care for one another.

Among my friends, Lord, may I be known for my willingness to lend a listening ear, a helping hand, and a caring heart. Let my friendships be a testament to the power of generosity in building meaningful connections and nurturing one another's growth.

Jesus, as I seek to become a more generous person, I understand that it requires a shift in my mindset. Help me let go of selfishness, greed, and the desire for recognition. Instead, instill in me a pure and selfless desire to give without expecting anything in return.

Grant me wisdom, Lord, to discern when and how to give. Sometimes, it may be financial assistance, but often it's the gift of time, attention, or a kind word that can make the most significant impact. Let me be sensitive to the needs of others and responsive to the prompting of Your Spirit.

I pray, Lord, that as I become more generous, it creates a ripple effect in the lives of those around me. May my actions inspire others to join in the journey of generosity, leading to a community and world where love and kindness abound.

In conclusion, Lord Jesus, I thank You for hearing my prayer. I surrender my desire to be a more generous person into Your hands. Mold me, shape me, and use me as an instrument of Your love and generosity. May Your name be glorified through my actions, and may Your grace flow through me to bless my family, community, and friends.

I pray all these things in the precious and powerful name of Jesus.



Matthew Karshna is a contributor for A Warrior’s Mission and a partner with the ACCBF. Matthew graduated from the University of Georgia in 2023 with a Bachelor’s Degree in English and resides in North Carolina, where he is also a Community Engagement Director for a local martial arts school. “I am proud to produce content for an organization that is focused on the welfare of others!” ~Matthew

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